Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 Tips to Be a More Confident Job Seeker

5 Tips to Be a More Confident Job Seeker5 Tips to Be a More Confident Job SeekerIf theres one common thread that sticks with you through the entirety of your job search, its probably this nerves.A dry mouth, sweaty palms, and shaky knees- theyre likely as much job hund staples as your resume and your titelblatt letter. Whether youre waiting anxiously to head into that big interview or compulsively refreshing your inbox for any news about that open position, those butterflies in your stomach are ever-present when youre looking for a new gig.Rest assured, nerves are normal. But, if you can help it, you want to keep those butterflies at bay and present yourself as poised and polished to potential employers- rather than panicked.Think its impossible? The good news is, its not.Here are five key tips to be a more confident job seeker (whether you actually feel that way or not)1. Know what you want.Confidence in your job search starts well before you ever shake hands with a hiring manager. In fact, developing that self-assuredness begins before you even submit your first application.Before you even so much as quantify your resume bullets, take some time to nail down exactly what youre looking for in your next career move. Do you want more flexibility? To move into a leadership position? A total career change? What types of things do you want to be responsible for? What are you looking for in regards to company culture?By zoning in on exactly what you want, youll be far more confident as you peruse open positions- youll know exactly when youve found something that fits the bill. Remember, as much as that employer is looking for a good fit, you need to find the right fit for yourself as well.2. Understand your qualifications.Nothing gives you a bigger confidence boost than knowing exactly what you bring to the table. With that in mind, sit down and list out your key skills and qualities that any employer would see value in.Of course, youll need to tailor your individual applications and resumes depending on specific jobs and what they require. However, thinking through your core competencies and developing your own personal value proposition will remind you of the fact that youre a qualified and competent job seeker.Thats just the confidence-boosting foundation you want to lay when youre getting started on your hunt for a new role.3. Enlist help.Sometimes, despite your very best efforts, its tough to muster up that confidence within yourself. In those moments, getting some help from others can build you back up again.For example, have a close friend read through your resume and cover letter before you submit it. If he says it looks great, youll feel a little more self-assured. If he finds something that needs fixing, that helps you too, as you can make the tweak and then know that youre turning in your very best materials.So, in those moments when youre feeling low, dont hesitate to lean on your network. You dont need to job search in a vacuum4. F ocus on preparation.Even if you put all of the above tips to work, nothing will undermine your job search confidence faster than flying by the seat of your pants. When youre already nervous, needing to wing it is a surefire way to take a nosedive.Before you participate in a phone screening or an interview, make sure youve researched the company (and your interviewer) and have a solid grasp on what that job entails. Prepare some questions you want to ask so you can end the conversation by proving that youre highly engaged in the hiring process.Getting your ducks in a row will take a little more time. But, youd rather be over-prepared than under-prepared- and, quite frankly, its a step you cant afford to skip.5. Imagine worst-case scenarios.At first glance, this tip might seem disheartening. However, when were in the thick of a job search, its easy for us to blow things out of proportion. Bombing an interview or getting a dreaded rejection letter will surely lead to an Independence Da y-style catastrophe.When you feel yourself beginning to get extra anxious, ask yourself this question Whats the worst that can happen?In most cases, the worst-case scenario is that you wont land the job- and, while thats a blow to your ego, it really means that youre no worse off than you were before. Step back and give yourself some perspective every now and then. Things arent as do or die as they might seem, and recognizing that will give you some added self-assuredness as you continue to tackle your job hunt.You want to be a poised and positive job seeker. But, unfortunately, thats often easier said than done. Put these five tips to work, and youre sure to approach those applications and interviews with an extra dose of confidence. Good luckKnow someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free tafelgeschirr and theyll get 30% off

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